Ignore Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerbergs War Over Killer Robots, the Real Challenge Is Already Here. Tech giants Elon Musk and Mark Zuckeberg have been engaged in a very public, somewhat silly and self indulgent battle over artificial intelligence lately. Musk has warned AI powered robots could usher in some form of automated war to give humanity its richly deserved demise, while Zuckerberg responded by saying he is really optimistic it could usher a golden age of lifesaving technology. Both have traded blows, with Zuckerberg saying the doomsaying is pretty irresponsible, and Musk tweeting he thinks the Facebook head just doesnt understand the issue. The whole thing is a little eyeroll inducing given true AI remains a pipe dream for now, and both men stand to benefit greatly from machine learning trends which automate jobs and concentrate control of the emerging digital economy in fewer hands. Coursera cofounder Andrew Ng, a real AI researcher who used to be chief scientist at Chinese tech company Baidu, weighed in on the latter issue Tuesday. As an AI insider, having built and shipped a lot of AI products, I dont see a clear path for AI to surpass human level intelligence, Ng told attendees at a Harvard Business Review event, Venture. Beat reported. I think that job displacement is a huge problem, and the one that I wish we could focus on, rather than be distracted by these science fiction ish, dystopian elements. Ive been in a lot of private conversations with AI leaders, or business leaders who are working on new AI products that will wipe out tens of thousands of jobs in a single company, maybe more across multiple companies, he added. And the interesting thing is that a lot of people whose jobs are squarely in the crosshairs of the technologies, a lot of people doing the jobs that are about to go away, they dont understand AI, they dont have the training to understand AI. And so a lot of people whose jobs are going to go away dont know that theyre in the crosshairs, Ng concluded. Some 5. 6 million US manufacturing jobs disappeared from 2. Center for Business and Economic Research at Ball State University, with approximately 8. Estimates vary, but they largely agree that a huge slice of US jobs could be lost to technologysomewhere between 3. That falls in line with Ngs warning early AI like technologies such as machine learning are putting a lot of jobs commonly assumed to be the continued domain of humans at risk. Researchers in the field have been sounding this warning for years. A 2. 01. 3 Oxford University study on computerisation identified a number of high risk professions ranging from traffic technicians and medical records technicians to loan officers, nuclear reactor operators and technical writers. Risk is just risk, and some recent research suggests automation and computerization of US jobs has slowed down lately in part because wages have remained so low workers are cheaper than fancy new toys. But on another point, Ng is right Polls show Americans tend to be optimistic that this trend wont kill their jobs, just those of other poor saps. Cult Sci Fi Movies Berserk: The Golden Age Arc - The Egg Of The King ' title='Cult Sci Fi Movies Berserk: The Golden Age Arc - The Egg Of The King ' />That did not work out so well for the taxi industry. High concept futurist drama over whether or not machines will kill or save us all grab headlines. Classic movie site with rare images no web grabs, original ads, and behindthescenes photos, with informative and insightful commentary. We like to have fun with. In The Shrouded Isle, released last Friday on PC, and Mac, you lead a small village whose residents all belong to a cult. The god they worship demands a sacrifice. But the more immediate concern is already here Figuring out how to keep the economy working for most of us before people like Musk and Zuckberg run away with all our money. Venture. Cheatbook your source for Cheats, Video game Cheat Codes and Game Hints, Walkthroughs, FAQ, Games Trainer, Games Guides, Secrets, cheatsbook. The Uncanny Sound Illusion That Creates Suspense in Christopher Nolans Movies. Ever notice how Christopher Nolans movies Interstellar, Inception, The Prestige feel like an anxiety attack Well, maybe thats overstating things a bit. But the director does have a knack for creating an unnerving degree of tension. Turns out hes using a little bit of musical magic to do it. The magic is actually a science based audio illusion called a Shepard tone. Named after psychologist Roger Shepard, a pioneer in our understanding of spatial relation, the effect sounds like an infinitely ascending or descending scale. The tones are constantly moving upwards or downwards, but they never seem to reach a pinnacle or nadir. This is accomplished by stacking scales on top of each othertypically one treble scale, one midrange, and one basswith an octave in between, then playing them in a continuous loop. A Shepard tone is sometimes referred to as the barber pole of sound. You can even see the similarity, when you hear it and look at the spectrum view of a Shepard tone. Dont listen to this too long, or you might lose your mind Anyways, Christopher Nolan just loves this. With longtime collaborator Hans Zimmer, the acclaimed director has used a Shepard tone in almost every one of his films in the last decade. He even writes his scripts to match the effect. In a recent interview, Nolan explained how he used Shepard tones in his newest film, Dunkirk The screenplay had been written according to musical principals. Download Recess: Taking The Fifth Grade Movie Score. Theres an audio illusion, if you will, in music called a Shepard tone and with my composer David Julyan on The Prestige we explored that and based a lot of the score around that. And its an illusion where theres a continuing ascension of tone. Its a corkscrew effect. Its always going up and up and up but it never goes outside of its range. And I wrote the script according to that principle. I interwove the three timelines in such a way that theres a continual feeling of intensity. Increasing intensity. So I wanted to build the music on similar mathematical principals. Knowing this, you gain a deeper understanding of films like Interstellar, Inception, and The Prestige. It also explains why these films seem somehow inconclusive. A Shepards tone creates a conflict that cant be resolved, just like Nolans plots. Digg, Business Insider.